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E-Commerce Recipes / Product Detail / Bought Together & Accessories

Bought Together & Accessories


The "Bought Together" use case leverages past purchasing patterns to offer complementary products, helping you optimize your offerings and save time. By implementing these recommendations, you unlock new opportunities to increase the number of items purchased, subsequently enhancing your revenue potential.

Scenario Setup

In the Recombee Admin UI, navigate to the Scenarios section and choose Create Scenario.

  1. Enter a Scenario ID. Select a distinctive label for your recommendation scenario, such as "pdp-bought-together"
  2. Choose Recommendation type - Items to Item
Admin UI - Scenario Setup


The Logic defines the behavior of the recommendation engine.

This Logic will give you products that are frequently bought with this product, such as its accessories.

The Logic needs purchase data for returning correct suggestions - therefore if you have a new database and you want to start using this Logic right away, it is good to do an import of the historical purchase data.

Admin UI - Logic


Available Products (Global Settings)

Requesting Recommendations

There are two ways to get recommendations.

  1. HTML Widget - create an HTML Widget using the visual editor in the Admin UI.
  2. API & SDK - request the Recommend Items to Item endpoint of the Recombee API using an SDK of your choice.

For more information, navigate to the Integration tab of the Scenario in the Admin UI.

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