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Video Recipes / Fully Personalized Homepage / Personalized Re-ordering of Rows (Advanced)

Personalized Re-ordering of Rows (Advanced)


It is usually the cornerstone of the OTT platform homepage to show the picks from various (micro) genres. You can make these rows truly personalized: Pick the top genres for the particular user, and also show the most appealing assets inside these rows. The same approach is besides the homepage often also used in the category pages, such as Movies or Series.

In order to achieve this level of personalization, you need to take the two following steps:

  1. Get a list of genres for the user in personalized order
  2. For each row request movies and series from the particular genre


In the first step, we will acquire the personalized order of genres for the particular user.

Segmentation Setup

Start by creating Segmentation of the items based on their genre or genres.

In the Recombee Admin UI, navigate to the Segmentations section and choose Create.

  1. Choose Segmentation Type - Property-based
  2. Pick Property from the list that determines the genres
Admin UI - Segmentation Setup

After picking the property, a preview opens up and you can see what genres exist in your catalog and the number of items per genre.

Admin UI - Segmentation Setup - Preview

Then confirm the settings by hitting the Create button.

You have now created the Segmentation based on genres, and you can proceed to recommend the genres (=Segments) to the user.

Scenario Setup

In the Recombee Admin UI, navigate to the Scenarios section and choose Create Scenario.

  1. Enter a Scenario ID, such as "homepage-genres"
  2. Choose Recommendation type - Item Segments to User
  3. Continue and choose Results Segmentation - genres Segmentation created in the previous step
Admin UI - Scenario Setup


The Logic defines the behavior of the recommendation engine.

This particular Logic returns the Segments (=genres) in personalized order to give the user the top genres according to the user’s previous interactions.

Admin UI - Logic

Requesting Recommendations

You shall request the Recommend Items Segments to User endpoint of the Recombee API using an SDK of your choice.

You will get a list of recommended genres that define the order of the genre rows and that you will use in the next step to recommend videos from these categories.

Videos From the Genres

Now we will populate the individual rows with assets from the particular genres.

There will be a Recommend Items to Item Segment request for each created row. Each request takes a genre (i.e., ID of the Segment) as a parameter.

Scenario Setup

In the Recombee Admin UI, navigate to the Scenarios section and choose Create Scenario.

  1. Enter a Scenario ID, such as "homepage-videos-per-genre"
  2. Choose Recommendation type - Items to Item Segment
  3. Continue and choose Context Segmentation - genres Segmentation, the same one as in the previous Scenario
Admin UI - Scenario Setup


The Logic defines the behavior of the recommendation engine.

This Logic will return the top items for the user from the given genre.

Admin UI - Logic


Available Assets (Global Settings)

Requesting Recommendations

You can send all the Recommend Items to Item Segment requests (one for each row) inside a single Batch request using an SDK of your choice.

Each request will include the ID of a genre (obtained in the previous step) as a parameter.

Once you receive the assets for all rows, you can display the top videos from the user’s favorite genres.

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